SBWSB wins Best Reliability and Sustainability Program Award
On December 4, 2023, at the International Maintenance Conference (IMC) the Salem and Beverly Water Supply Board was the recipient of this award due to its long and excellent track record of supplying water since the 19th century in Massachusetts by drawing and treating water from Lake Wenham. It built its first treatment plant in 1935, which was rebuilt in 1978 to its current configuration of 24 MGD (potentially expandable to 32 million gallons per day). It is an organization committed to providing quality service, bringing safe and potable water to its customers, so they have been engaged for decades in a process of continuous improvement regarding the modernization of their facilities and water treatment process.
“We have set a vision, dedicated resources, and actively managed implementation efforts to reach our goal to be world class. We are honored to receive the Best Reliability Sustainability Program and promise to maintain our standing and to help “pay it forward” to others striving for such excellence.” – John Fortin Sustainability Manager